Pls help to check the Run In Rack Job program . It will no response after running two or three days . the AP server Memory usage will over 2.5G . after we close the the program , Memory will decrease to 1.5 .
1. Is one application pool’s maximum memory usage 1.5G?
A&: Each application pool is a w3wp.exe. w3wp.exe is a process. Every process has 2 G User mode virtual address, so the maximum memory usage for application pool is 2G. However, you can’t make sure that there is no memory fragment issue. Therefore, Out of memory always occur after 1.5 G according to our experience.
2. Is each application pool independent on memory usage?
A&: Different application pools are different w3wp.exe, so each application pool’s maximum memory usage is 2G.
3. Can setup maximum CPU usage on each application pool?
A&: You can monitor it, but you can’t setup it.
“年后产量逐渐增加,新的问题又出现了。从Server Performance上分析,和上次Memory过高不同的是CPU使用率过高。每当CPU过高的时候,产线会大面积的反应说慢(这点和连接到哪台AP有关系)。每次慢的时候,我们就找到CPU过高的那台AP,recycle IIS的application pool后就OK了。于是我么再次找到Bon帮忙分析(结论:微软结案报告 20090226V1 - SRT090119833891 Web service can't serve IISReset can fix.msg)。并给出了开发程序时的一